Refund Policy

Hey there, valued customer! We at DigitalBuzzAgency are all about making sure you get the best experience with our products. But, let’s face it, sometimes things don’t go as planned. That’s why we’ve got a straightforward refund policy to keep things smooth and simple.


When Can You Request a Refund?


Hold on, here’s the deal: Refunds are available only if the product license keys, which are essential for the magic to happen on your website, are not original. Yep, you heard that right! We’re confident about the authenticity of our products, but if you find yourself in the unlikely scenario where the keys aren’t genuine, we’ve got your back.


How to Apply for a Refund?

  • Spot Something Fishy? First things first, if you suspect that the license key isn’t original, let us know! Drop us an email at within 30 days of your purchase. Why 30 days? Well, it gives you enough time to check things out without rushing.
  • Give Us the Scoop: When you get in touch, tell us what’s up. Include your order number, details about the product, and why you think the license key isn’t the real deal. The more details, the better!
  • Hang Tight: Our team will jump into action and investigate. We’ll check the license key faster. If we find that the key is indeed not original, we’ll start the refund process. Easy peasy!

What Happens Next?

  • Refund Time: If your refund is approved, we’ll process it within a jiffy (well, technically within 7-10 business days). The amount will be credited back to your original method of payment. So, keep an eye on your bank or PayPal account!

What’s Not Covered?


Just a heads-up, refunds are only for non-original license keys. If you’re having other issues, like compatibility, reach out to our support team. They’re super helpful and might just have the solution you need!


Final Thoughts


We’re here to ensure you have a fantastic experience with DigitalBuzzAgency. If there’s ever a hiccup, we’re just an email away. Thanks for choosing us, and here’s to a great journey together in the digital world!


This policy aims to be clear, friendly, and easy to understand, just like we believe interactions should be at DigitalBuzzAgency!

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